The Background of Superyacht Refits

August 12, 2022

6 minute read

Every yacht requires regular upkeep, regardless of it being a small update or a large and complete overhaul. Because the number of yachts in the world keeps growing, yacht refits are fast becoming a booming business.

Photo credit to: @quantum_marine_stabilizers

The first and most important thing towards a successful yacht refit is finding a shipyard that is capable of performing these tasks, without delays. The most prominent shipyards are always the busiest with numerous refits being done at the same time, so the waiting queues are also longer, but that does not mean that a smaller shipyard could also not complete the task. Yacht owners should be wary of impossible deadlines or cheap and fast overhauls because these are not realistic.

What is a Yacht Refit?

A yacht refit is any work done on the exterior or the interior of the yacht. There are two major reasons for considering a superyacht refit: change of ownership and the lifespan of the yacht. When it comes to the age of the vessel, after 5 years, it is common to expect re-painting and mechanical upgrades. After 10 years, a throughout diagnostic is also needed, for engine maintenance and all other installations.

The transfer of ownership is also a good time for a yacht refit, because you never know what the last owner was up to, or you want to implement some changes yourself.

A superyacht refit means heavy machinery
A thorough superyacht refit implies heavy machinery and dry-docking of the yacht in question – Photo credit to: @wimtechnicalservices

There are two main types of refits on yachts; the first one implies structural changes, either to the hull or the superstructure, as well as the exterior deck aesthetics. Also, updating the plumbing, the mechanical and electrical systems that are needed for the yacht to function, as well as artificial lighting systems, AV systems, appliances and other hardware that are necessary for the yacht to be able to provide a luxury charter experience.

The second type of superyacht refit is minor, compared to the first one, because it entails changing the superficial appearance of the yacht. These changes include new soft goods, like bedding, upholstery, new carpets, furniture, artwork and other yacht accessories.

It is important to note that emergency repairs are not considered a yacht refit per se; rather, they are seen as the last-ditch effort not to sink when cruising and are looked down upon in the yachting community, because no self-respecting yacht owner would let his beloved vessel reach a state in which it is not possible to sail.

Budgeting is also very important – some owners do not disclose the budget to the people in charge of the refit; rather, they budget every subsequent project. But this puts a strain on the refit as a whole.

Yacht refit: Do’s and Dont’s

Choosing a good project manager often means the difference between success and failure. This usually leads to the captain of the yacht overseeing the overhauls, but the yacht owner can also get involved.

Yacht refit with a crane
There are some things every yacht owner must keep in mind during a yacht refit

Budgeting is also important, but it is more important to get your vessel in working or aesthetically-pleasing condition. It is very common to set a budget for a refit, and then cross that limit multiple times.

Insurance during a refit is really something a yacht owner should not avoid, seeing that human error is an integral part of any work process, and a yacht is a very valuable piece of equipment.

The yachting world is regularly shocked with shipyard fires, miscalculations and flops that can cost the owners millions. To ensure your yacht from risk, refit insurance is a must, against a fire, sinking or unwilling destruction of property.

During the refit, the yacht crew must also be taken care of. Usually, this is the time for personal growth i.e. enrolling in specialization courses or taking a hard-earned holiday. On the other hand, it is also a good idea to have at least one or two members of our crew oversee the refits.

Delays in refits are common, so arming yourself with patience and understanding is a smart thing to do before venturing into any major yacht refit. Prepare a list beforehand, or better yet, share all your wishes and wants with the refit project manager, so there is absolutely no miscommunication, which is critical for a successful yacht refit.

Overcoming hurdles

One of the central tenets of yacht refits is to expect the unexpected, especially on older yachts when parts and materials stopped manufacturing long ago. Some priorities must be established when considering a yacht refit, and anything that prevents the yacht from functioning smoothly and without technical difficulties must be at the top of all refit priority lists.

During a major superyacht refit, every part of the vessel undergoes inspection – Photo credit to: @tom_esurf_guy

Set up a clear chain of command; the owner’s technical supervisor is fundamental in assisting the yard with real-time decisions. Regardless of if you are planning on refitting a 10, 20 or 50-meter yacht, you have to occasionally deal with the reality of shipyard and shipbuilding logistics. Sometimes, critical parts are delayed or stuck in transit, other times, there is the human factor involved-someone is sick, or someone is absent.

When parts are not available, they need to be made from scratch, and that is one of the most time-costly things one can do. Subcontractors are another factor one must consider when dealing with a yacht refit. Regardless of the size or the quality of the shipyard in charge of the refit, subcontractors are a must, because it is impossible to manufacture EVERYTHING in-house.

From the yacht owner’s perspective

It is always a good idea for the owner to be involved in the entire process for several reasons. Budgeting and cost-efficiency are best done by the person who is expected to pay the bill once the job is done. Another is that the owner can become intimately involved and familiar with the broader workings and functions of the yacht, and not just know about the jacuzzi settings or the favourite water toy.

Thorough cleaning and polishing is done after every major superyacht refit – Photo credit to: @modestyyachtcarpentry

Owners have to be sure exactly what they want from a yacht refit, because not having an exact vision leads to potential cascading effects of upgrading things that do not need to be fixed, only to have to change an entire system, rather than one thing in particular. These kinds of situations lead to unpleasant situations, in which owners feel like they are being hustled, while the shipyard staff need to explain their craft to a layman.

Things to look out for when a yacht refit is in progress

Quotas are to be adhered to, but with the understanding of a million little things that can go wrong. It is also important, especially for the yacht owner, to know that the shipyard handling the refit employs its own workers and not third-party contractors. This is to be able to adhere to the standard set by the owner and to minimize mistakes made by the human factor.

Every shipyard has its speciality, so make sure to run a background check of your top picks – Photo credit to: @wimtechnicalservices

Final thoughts About Superyacht Refit

Yacht refits are a rising business, and the demand for yachts, as well as their refits, keeps surpassing the supply. This means that yacht refits are a growing industry, with guaranteed growth and massive potential.

Due to this, it would be in the best interest of every yacht owner or yacht connoisseur to know a bit about what a yacht refit entails, some technical details and terminology, as well as a broader sense of a yacht refit in a lifespan of a yacht.